
Welcome, come with us on an exciting oriental journey through time and space ...

This site reflects my soul wanderings as experienced during deep meditation from Japan to Siberia - China - Tibet - Mongolia - Korea - Vietnam - Indonesia - Malaysia - Cambodia - Siam  - Bharat - India  - Afghanistan - Persia - the Silk Road - the Middle East - Yemen - Arabia to its westernmost point in Russia - the Caucasus and Turkey ..
AsiaPali- Karma - एशिया पाली - پالی -პალი-пали -

twitter: @AsiaPali - @meditationspali
facebook: AsiaPali Karma

your are welcome to visit my web-site:Enchanted Orient - Homecomings

Sunday 20 September 2020

AsiaPali Karma: Indian Air Force Women || " Tu Chal "

AsiaPali Karma: Indian Air Force Women || " Tu Chal ": “Strong is the new beautiful.” India Air Force Women - Tu Chal. This is a motivational video for everyone who need. My goal is to motivate...

Saturday 12 September 2020

Facebook Page: The Indian Diaspora @theindian.diaspora · Political Organization

The Indian Diaspora is estimated to be 25 million-strong, spread across 120 countries. It is the world's second largest Diaspora after China.

J-1824, Chittaranjan Park, Delhi, India 110019

It is estimated that there are three countries - US and Saudi Arabia and Malaysia - and a dozen countries where the Diaspora numbers more than a million and close to two dozen where there are at least a hundred thousand ethnic Indians. In most host countries, the Indian Diaspora is well regarded, having succeeded spectacularly in their chosen professions by dint of hard work. In many countries, especially the US and UK, they are described as a “model minority” that contributes significantly to the economy and plays a constructive role in social and political life. In democratic nations, members of the Diaspora have actively involved themselves in politics and in many cases hold, or have held, public office – even the high public offices of Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers. For India, the Diaspora is a huge resource to tap into. In financial terms, their reparations last year crossed $70 billion, the most any Diaspora has sent back to the mother nation. They also make significant investments in India. They are, moreover, a repository of talent and ideas that can be tapped as India strides along the path to rapid development. As its tagline states, www.theindiandiaspora.com is a site that aims to connect India and its Diaspora. And also to help connect the various geographically dispersed Diasporic communities with each other. What sets us aside from other sites catering to a Diaspora audience – our USP, so to say – is that it is geared to become an interactive forum. A forum where members can network with those with similar interests; where they can seek opportunities to expand their businesses; or they may want to just trace their roots, find the best place to make philanthropic contributions, or simply to share their vast knowledge for the benefit of those back home. Our site will hopefully permit its visitors to do all this and more

Friday 11 September 2020

Jana Gana Mana | Bangla Baul Gaan | National Anthem | Spirits of Bengal | Just Tunes | Just Studio |

एशिया पाली कर्म: मैं सुन रहा हूँ और रो रहा हूँ - भावनाओं से अभिभूत - आप मेरी आत्मा को छू रहे हैं मेरी भारत आत्मा मेरे पिछले जीवन को याद कर रही है!
AsiaPali Karma : I am watching listening and crying - overwhelmed by emotions - you touching my soul my Bharat Soul remembering my past life !

This year, to celebrate the true spirit of India The National Anthem has been sung by the Bauls (the folk singers from Bengal) supported by the indigenous instruments from Indian folk culture.
Just Studio through this baul video wants to evoke the sense of peace and showcase the talent and diversity in the rural sectors of our motherland, India.
An initiative by Just Studio.
Presented by Suchandra Vaaniya
Music Arrangements- Abhijit Acharya Vocals- Raju Das Baul & Rina Das Baul
Director- Pratik Das
Associate Director- Mouli Roy
D.O.P- Susmita Sil
Drone Operator- Arnab Roy
Editor- Deepta Deep Chakraborty - Colorist- Uttam Uttu - Creative Producer- Abhrajit Sen - Executive Producer- Soumita Chowdhury

Tuesday 8 September 2020

"Amar Shonar Bangla" - Bangladesh National Anthem Bangla & English lyrics

My Bengal of gold, I love you - Forever your skies, your air set my heart in tune as if it were a flute,
In Spring, Oh mother mine, the fragrance from your mango-groves makes me wild with joy- Ah, what a thrill!
In Autumn, Oh mother mine, in the full-blossomed paddy fields, I have seen spread all over - sweet smiles!
Ah, what a beauty, what shades, what an affection and what a tenderness! What a quilt have you spread at the feet of
banyan trees and along the banks of rivers! Oh mother mine, words from your lips are like Nectar to my ears!
Ah, what a thrill! If sadness, Oh mother mine, casts a gloom on your face, my eyes are filled with tears!

Monday 1 June 2020

Maulanaah Jalalludin Balkhi (Rumi)

“In Persian, there are four levels of friendship each relating to a degree in closeness and intimacy: Aashenaa (to know someone casually),
Doost (a close friend),
Rafeegh (your best friend)
and Yaar (your inseparable lover).

However, these levels are independent of the type of physical connection you have with someone.
These degrees of closeness explain your deep soul connection with another being;
your spouse, therefore, may only be your Aashenaa,
or you may have a perfect platonic relationship with a Yaar.

Some mystics measure their intimacy with God and the Beloved by using these levels.
For RUMI, the Beloved and Shams were one, and both (as one) were his Yaar.
That could explain why Rumi’s verses are being dubbed “love poems.” Should they be anything less?”

From the Introduction by Shahram Shiva

Горькая моя Родина (Amarga Patria) - Кубанский казачий хор (Coro Cosaco de Kuban)

Когда женщина счастливая, она становится красивее

Когда женщина счастливая, она становится красивее. Когда она становится красивее, становится счастливее. Когда она счастлива, начинает красиво любить. Когда она красиво любит, ты становишься счастливее.

When a woman is happy, she becomes more beautiful. When she becomes prettier, she becomes happier. When she is happy, she begins to love beautifully. When she loves beautifully, you become happier.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Magic Moments - Romantic Encounters

1.Pre-condition must be mutual attraction on a spiritual level, an unfolding process of soulmating and mutual understandings - nothing physical except for a brief kiss on the cheek, a hand-kiss or a long hug and handshake

2-As the process unwinds and enriches with more intense feelings and emotions, fueled by mutual experiences and mutual understandings, as the souls do draw closer to each other in every way, and the need and desire for exchange on the spiritual and concious level continues to grow and intensify, from afar most of the time, and in some rare intances from near as well, stepping out of imagining and story-telling into the real world, enchanted by the aroma and perfume of the two persons so closely and intimately drawn towards each other, the degree of intensity known during the unfolding process, watered down by distance and space, now becoming a hundredfold more intense and intoxicating, shere boosters from current romance level to yet a higher level, each such encounter soaring higher and higher, the mainprocess begins :

3- The enchantened and romatically upgraded stage takes its natural course: the intimate encounter: this can be the best or the worst stage. This stage requires maturity and readiness in order to avoid the pitfalls of the post- encounter stage, which can be traumatic and destructitive if not understood and taken care of from the very beginning of the romantic encounter.

The spoilers: hastiness - lust - uncontrolled action, remorse, guilt, posseviness, jealousy , scandals dis-enchantment,disappoitment, dis-illussion etc etc

The ulitmate experience takes careful planning, full readiness, romantic state of mind,romatic experience, nothing happens fast or instantly, slow unfolding and gradual enchantment is required for the encounter ... Also, at any stage, the encounter should not be taken for granted, it might or might not happen, there is never an obligation to make it happen at all costs .. Only mutual readiness can lead to the encounter, no pushing no forcing,no disappointments when it doesnt happen !

4- The actual encounter - the highlight and crown-jewel of the romance, each time anew, precious,ultimate experiences,unforgettable for the rest of ones life !

Mutual readiness,intense emotions and feelings developed over time, intensified during the past several hours of romantic togetherness have now led the couple to flow on the wave-length of spiritual enchantement,forgetting the world surrounding them .. The setting is soft,warm,romantic , the energy emense and overwhelming ... Slow and easy is the order of the hour, avoiding all the spoilers and pitfalls. Only when mutual understanding had been reached prior to these special precoius moments, that after the encounter, everything will turn back to its pre-encounter stage, none of the spoilers will apply, and this encounter becomes a precious event unto itself, lasting over time with the sweetest of memories towards yet another opportunity in the future. They must remain pearls on a string, not result in a post encounter trauma or drama setting, life continues afterwards, enriched and upgraded, but basically in its normal pattern where the rest of the world is concerned ...

5- In this highened and mutual awareness state, the romance becomes intimate: closeness, bodylanguage,bodyexpressions,tenderness and gentleness is the hallmark of this stage ...hugging,slight touches with the body, brushing,and gentle pressing (avoid direct touching and pushy hands, avoid the tabu parts, private parts must remain private), kissing - gentle and easy (never thrusting demanding tongues) wave and wave of intense feelings overcome the two romancees, as they are close and withdrawn from the world,enchanted and uplifted in this special moment of the encounter. Everything is perfect, a little wine is okay, no intoxication , control is always intact .. The heart demands, the body demands even stronger actions, but the mind is still the control center ... Standing,sitting,dancing,lying close to one another, dressed in special romantic loose clothes, but no nakedness,no sexy outfits designed to arouse lust.

This can continue for hours, matters not whether night or day, this encounter has its own set of time, the outside world doesnt interfere, doesnt exist for the duration of this encounter (no disruptions,interuptions,no phonecalls etc)...

The intimacy makes no promises of a full sexual engagement in the ultimate love-making ... which combined with the right romantic encounter could be the highlight,but the very mention of the word sex can be a spioler if not on guard .. None of the two people involved in the intimate encounter shud even think about it, or worse .. anticipate it !

Love-making can only occurr when the intensitiy of the intimacy is so great, so overwhelming for both partners, that it is experienced as the ultimate peak of these precious hours ... They must not be planned, they must not be anticipated, they must be a mutual passionate desire of BOTH parties, with the same degree of intensity, and love-making must not be missed or regretted if it doesnt happen .. The romantic encounter is no less intense or less important without that final ultimate step .. It either will or just wont happen, the romance doesnt require it to be perfect.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Express to Russia : Train ride from Moscow to Yoshkar Ola - Mariy El Republic - RF

By train from Moscow to Yoshkar Ola - Mariy El Republic - Russian Federation

Moscow Train Station - Internet Cafe - 1.1.2005
thanks so much. i checked messages in the morning but there was not one from you...but something told me...it will arrive...so here i am sitting in the intrenet cafe at the train station. i was very surprised to find it but it was very nice to know that train stations get developed. i am leaving to see my parents, the place i was born, went to university..and then left for moscow....for work ....for opportunities.. i hope i ll be back by 10th..have to. since we start working again on the 11th. let me wish you a wonderful year full of joy. we had a party with the best bunch in moscow on the 25th....it was my key celebration,,,,last night was all right too. and the next one will be during this coming week... i ll be checking the mail regularly..so will write you of course.. the last year was something...and we in russia always associate the leap year with troubles...but it was the year of monkey..which is mine....and usually it is a very important year for me....i must say i gained something...i lost something..... what are your new year resolutions?
love Luda

Todays Modern Version

Russia My Love

2003 trip - 17 years ago

Mariy El train

The train #58 ‘Mariy El’ travels on Moscow to Yoshkar Ola route. The trip takes 14 hours, most of which are during the night. The train has 1st, 2nd and 3rd class carriages. There is a compartment for disables people and a restaurant car. Train #58 travels between Moscow and Yoshkar Ola, the capital of the Mariy El Republic. The train has been operating since 1993; it runs every day. Most of the travel time is at night. The Mariy El train has 1st class (2 passengers) and 2nd class (4 passengers) cabins. There is also a possibility to travel in 3rd class (all berths together in one coach).
There is a restaurant carriage where you can order a hot meal. The train also has a compartment for disabled people

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Light of your Grace -Beloved Mooji Baba

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

I feel Light, guiding our way home.
I see Light, essence of my soul.
I am light, in my heart I know.
We are light, together we are whole.

Om Arkaya Namaha, Arkaya.
Om Arkaya Namaha. - With love & Gratitude, Sam X

Sunday 5 April 2020

GuruGanesha Band - A Thousand Suns - Introducing Paloma Devi

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

I have seen this scene (without people) in my meditation sessions concerning India - this image touches my soul and pierces my heart and stirrs a strong belonging and longing for my home in India - strong emotions - glorious past ! - The Music carries me back and the angelic voice of Paloma Devi made my heart fall in love with her at the first few sounds - beloved Paloma Devi

Krishna Das "Narayana/For Your Love" Live Bhakti Fest West 2013 Full Song

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

GuruGanesha Band "Sunniay"

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Thursday 2 April 2020

Funda Arar - Doldur Yüreğimi - A Great Singer ! She touches my Soul and pierces my Heart !

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Exotic and inspirational - Arabian Magic Music

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Najwa Karam ... Maloun Abou L Echeq - نجوى كرم ... ملعون ابو العشق

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

ضحكة عيون حبيبي عمرو دياب

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Hiba Tawaji - La Bidayi Wala Nihayi [Live In Cairo 2018] / هبة طوجي - لا بدايه ولا نهاية

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Monday 30 March 2020

סדנת טנטרה לזוגות עם אבישג חיה כספי והמנצח גיל שוחט

Aad Guray Nameh - Snatam Kaur

Tum Mere Kya Ho

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力

Tuesday 17 March 2020

KARUNESH Music and my Indian Homecoming session ....

I am breathing towards a new meditation session - I am relaxed and ready for this session - lying on my back on a flat matress on the floor - the room is darkened and only dimly lit - in the background I listen to the music of Karunesh - the singer touches me to my inner core - as soon as I close my eyes and float with the music I am let by the hand of the singer through a pathway formed by the djungel trees deeper and deeper into the jungle - my heart beats faster and I start to cry as I realize my homecoming to India - I am home and happy as I follow her into the djungel .....