
Welcome, come with us on an exciting oriental journey through time and space ...

This site reflects my soul wanderings as experienced during deep meditation from Japan to Siberia - China - Tibet - Mongolia - Korea - Vietnam - Indonesia - Malaysia - Cambodia - Siam  - Bharat - India  - Afghanistan - Persia - the Silk Road - the Middle East - Yemen - Arabia to its westernmost point in Russia - the Caucasus and Turkey ..
AsiaPali- Karma - एशिया पाली - پالی -პალი-пали -

twitter: @AsiaPali - @meditationspali
facebook: AsiaPali Karma

your are welcome to visit my web-site:Enchanted Orient - Homecomings

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Hiba Tawaji - La Bidayi Wala Nihayi [Live In Cairo 2018] / هبة طوجي - لا بدايه ولا نهاية

Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け -Yeni Şafak
Soul Wanderings - Karma -Странствия души - Карма - Ruh Gezintileri - Karma - تجول في الروح - كارما - 灵魂的游荡 -业力